jan.: masuk um lik...dh 4sem dh..yg pling best 25hb JPA masuk..erm..bli printer baru..yg lain2 nyer duit aku pn tak tau abes kemane...*sigh
feb.: 4 da 1st time jmpe mama topek..adoooii...takut seyh..tp evryting goes fine..then MAK fasa 1..x berkesempatan nk g sbb kna g taiping...mama masuk icu..dats more important..
mar.: topek start LI kat maybank.MAK fasa 2
apr,may,june and july.:exm fever!!then cuti..takde pape yg best pn..
aug.: physic nite..the nite for us..again ayh masuk wad..join roket..
sep.: bulan pose..my love's bday..my bday..
okt.: raya aidilfitri
some of the pictures...
ayah's operation on the 6th of raya..sian tgk ayh in icu.. alhamdulillah...ayh smakin okay..
sebahagian rentetan 2008 yg aku ingt..huhu..HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!!
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