
Saturday, October 30, 2010

the day

its been a long time to dah tak bape ade idea..taktau nk blog ape.tetibe arini terpikir..aku tak penah pn bercerita ttg hari konvo doesn't mean to show off..dah grad..ade title bachelor degree..oohh tidak same skali..lgpun zaman skrg sume org mampu nk wat degree..and lagi dahsyat dpt habeskan dlm mase yg super singkat..and pointer mantopp gile sampai dean list every semester bagai..

chapa tidak la sehebat dan segenious dpt habeskan degree yg penuh dgn kesengsaraan ni pn dah cukup ALHAMDULILLAH..Allah je yg tau betapa perit+stress nyer time aku belajar dlu..n nak pastikan tidak fail on subjek..utk org lain aku tak pasti.tpi berckp ttg diri sndri..aku ni jgn kate nk doa dpt A..n seingat aku..everytime berdoa..slalunye mintak semoga lulus paper2 yg tu pnye payah nk score kat universiti..especially ko pilih um..n gatai pi amik physics..hoo..tak nafikan course2 lain pn susah..its either u work hard or u loose easily..

n sekian lame berhempas pulas..adapt with the uni environment and lyfestyle akhirnye berjaye jugak naik pentas dtc tu utk terima scroll..

selama 3tahun ni..eventho when it comes to study..mmg menstresskan..tpi in terms of life,aku mmg rase inilah life yg paling best..or mayb sbb aku dah lps one stage..u will always feel like ur previous stage tu membuat ko rindu bagai nk gile..tpi mmg itulah yg aku rase...merindu saat indah di universiti..

thank Allah..u bless me and grant me happiness with those people besides me..make me laugh like no end..kwn2 kolej..kwn2 faculty..boipren yg baik hati..oohh sungguh rindu.

sronok bile dpt berkonvo bersama org2 yg disygi.
family always comes first..suppose to be 6 of us..tpi only 5..abg jemil kerja..gmbr nmpk cam 4 but its actually 5..lil one in kakak's tummy

meet the parents..
chapa n topek!
n lucky to have kwn2 yg sporting

n many2 more pics in fb..tak larat nk upload sini..heheh...kwn2 yg takde pn ttp chapa ingt..zira,kak fizah,del,pija,rad,idzy,sarah dll..

my colourful life

for my student and juniors..just remember to study hard n smart..what ever it is..just don't let urself down.


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